For the love of books

Is it just me or does anyone else still prefer to read a physical book?

Fun fact about me: My nickname when I was young was Belle because my nose was always stuck in the book. I was the girl walking out of the library during the summer reading program with a stack of books bigger than me. I was also the girl who could recite the story of Cinderella from memory even before I could read the book myself. I was so jealous of Belle, not because she got the prince, but because she got the library! Two of my favorite series were The Babysitters Club and Nancy Drew. I could spend hours getting lost in a book or wandering the aisles of the bookstores.

My love for books has not changed as I’ve gotten older. I still love a good murder mystery but I have branched out into non-fiction as well. What also hasn’t changed is my love for the feel of a physical book. To me there’s just something that gets lost when the book is on a tablet or a phone. Maybe it’s the feel of the pages. Maybe it’s the smell of a book. Maybe it’s the sense of accomplishment I get when I finish the last page and close the book.

Don’t get me wrong, I love technology. My house has smart plugs, I love new gadgets and a large part of my job deals with technology support. But after spending 8+ hours each day staring at two screens, the last thing I want to do is stare at another screen. Reading a physical book allows me to unplug from technology and distractions so I can relax and fully engage in what I’m reading.

Since I’m talking about books, I’m sure that you’re wondering what I’m currently reading. One thing I am always reading is my Bible and I switch up translations periodically. This year I started with The Bible Recap which is a one year reading plan to read through the Bible chronologically. It allows me to set myself aside and delve deep into God’s Word to discover more about who He is. The fiction book I’m reading is Agatha Christie’s The Sittaford Mystery. Agatha Christie is one of my favorite mystery writers so I’m participating in a reading challenge where I read one book a month for the year. This year the books are selected based on types of murder method. To round out the trilogy, I’m also reading a non-fiction book called The Culture Map by Erin Meyer. It deals with learning how to work with different cultures in the era of global business. It’s been fascinating to see how cultures operate differently and why it’s so common for cultures to misunderstand each other.

My challenge to you is to carve out some time during the week where you put the phone on silent and open a good book. As always, I’ll end with a quote; this time by an unknown author.

My problem with reading books is that I get distracted….by other books.
