The Importance of Rest

Is it just me or have we lost sight of what rest looks like and the importance of rest?

We live in a society where busyness is celebrated, and rest is shunned as being lazy or weak. Being so busy has become almost a humble brag as if we’re saying look at all the things that I can do. Meanwhile, we don’t talk about the cost that being busy and not taking the time to rest is doing to our relationships, our mental health, and our spiritual state. Today we are going to talk about the cost and why rest should be celebrated.

I recently started a Bible study titled Rest: From Eden to Eternity which honestly couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. It traces the theme of rest through Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. It opens with this thought: “Rest is a journey toward wholeness. Our desire and need for rest speak to the underlying reality that we were created for wholeness, not brokenness.” Take a moment to let that sink in. We have a desire and a need for rest because we were created to be whole. It changes how we view rest, doesn’t it? Rest is not meant to be napping on the couch, mindlessly watching TV or scrolling through social media. Rest is a journey towards wholeness, which means our rest should incorporate worship and a celebration of what God has done, created and will do.

What are some of the costs of our refusal to rest or rest that does not incorporate God? The most dangerous cost is the fact that our relationship with God suffers when we don’t rest. We were created for rest and when we rest, we draw closer to Him. Rest allows us to silence the constant noise and busyness of life so that we can hear His voice and draw near to His heart. When we don’t rest, we walk outside of the purpose and calling for our lives. When we walk outside of our purpose and calling, we begin to feel disconnected and restless. We become overwhelmed by the endless to-do lists and the feeling that we are never quite good enough, smart enough, busy enough or accomplish enough. We compare ourselves to others based on their social media highlights and feel like we don’t measure up. We then add more to our schedules so our relationships with friends, family, and most importantly, God begin to suffer.

By now I’m sure you’re thinking I’d love to rest but I don’t have the time. Let me ask you a question: how many hours do you spend watching TV or on your phone? If I had to guess, I’d say that you spend enough time doing either that you actually do have time to rest. Too often we feel like rest has to be this grand big thing where we take hours to rest. When in reality, a more regular and shorter rest may not only be more realistic but more beneficial. Don’t get me wrong, we need longer rests from time to time but building short periods of rest during the day or week can also be beneficial in the long run.

So what does rest look like? The truth is that while rest looks different for everyone, it should still incorporate praise and worship to celebrate how good God is. For me, daily rest occurs in the morning before my work day starts. I usually go to the gym early so I can come home and spend some time with God before the day gets started. I leave my phone on Do Not Disturb and curl up on either my couch inside or my egg chair on my patio (depending on the weather) with my Bible, my journal and a Bible study. Taking that time in the morning to study His word and journal what I’m feeling & learning has become a daily practice that feeds my soul. It is a way for me to find some rest and to seek His face before the day starts.

I confess that finding longer periods of rest is extremely hard for me. What I’ve found though is that finding time to take a longer rest is what I need. When times are hard or the battle has been too long, it is beneficial for me to take longer rests so I can regain my balance. I am not my best self (nor are you) when I consistently pour out without taking the time to allow myself to be filled up. Our main source of fulfillment should be God and our relationship with Him for He alone can speak the words that ease our troubled souls.

I’m not sure what season you are walking through but I can tell you that rest is needed in every season…..and that rest must incorporate worship and our walk with God. That rest is what enables us to be our best selves and to fully walk in our God-given purpose. Stop comparing yourself to others and break free of the “busy” trap.

Rest and self care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”

Eleanor Brown